This is my Blacktron fast Scouttrax. It is inspired by the 6941 which was one of my favorite sets when I was a kid. It is also the first wheeled vehicle I've build since my 'dark age'. I've been working on this for a long time, abandoning the project several times because I couldn't get it to work as I imagined it. There are still some things I am not quite happy with, so this will not be the final model. I have plenty of ideas on how to improve it. But I think it is far enough along to show it to you guys. I went a little overboard on motors: I really like fast vehicles :). This model is fast enough to get some nice drift action going. It looks really good when doing a fast corner. I should have a video of it up in a couple of weeks. You can find some more images on my Flickr account if you are interested